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ÉUWVSt$t hT jjj V!됋P<t{usEP<t4jjjVZt h vt.h tvp)Ph  t h [^_]ÐWVS\$|$t$9vC UA9|9}zSUWf؁Utf*G f;L$}1[^_]YÍvUWVS|$,1ۋt$0t$th tt$0VWh2 u@ ttrPhA btPhV 1ېt4 hs C~h $tt$0Vhy |$0nt h t$0<!=t h =,@ ttt tSh =t @ t%hpjPTà u!hpj5hjP/à {Sh h=55t h jhD$|$u )vD$t$0t$Չt$0t$T$t$0 t$|$19}uv9~)PD$Pt$ D$B<9~)t$tft9|D$D$ՋD$D$T$D$D$T$>t$V5v=t 1ۺ ۋt C~1ۋ DtC~t55Sh5S9 |QIvt$05:2t$05&'Wh`t h[^_]É UWVSL$ \$, D$t$( $q ؉!|$ڃ9W t1gՋKKGK<v!ڃ<9Q u=uy tjsx: Card doesn't respond to reset.... sx: exit sx_reset <6>sx: SI/XIO card doesn't support interrupt %d. sx: enter sx_send_command(port %d) sx: exit sx_send_command TA4TA8TA4_ASICTA8_ASICMTA_CD1400SXDCUnknown/invalidMOD_RS232DB25MOD_RS232RJ45MOD_RS422DB25MOD_PARALLELMOD_2_RS232DB25MOD_2_RS232RJ45MOD_2_RS422DB25MOD_RS232DB25MALEMOD_2_PARALLELemptyinvalid@HPX`hxp<4>sx: Sent reconfigure command, but card didn't react. sx: Not sending reconfigure: port isn't open (%02x). sx: enter sx_setsignals(port %d) setsignals: %d/%d sx: exit sx_setsignals getsignals: %d/%d (%d/%d) %02x/%02x <6>sx: unsupported baud rate: %d. <6>sx: Unsupported baud rate: %d. sx: enter sx_set_real_termios(port %d) <6>sx: Invalid wordsize: %d iflags: %x(%d) oflags: %x(%d) sx: exit sx_set_real_termios sx: enter sx_transmit_chars(port %d) Port %p: transmit %d chars Copying %d %d(%d) %d(%d) Waking up.... ldisc (%d).... sx: exit sx_transmit_chars rxop=%d, c = %d. c = %d. Copying over %d chars. First is %d at %lx pushing flipq port %d (%3d chars): %d.%06d (%d/%d) Checking modem signals (%d/%d) got a break. got a DCD change. DCD is now %d DCD active, unblocking open DCD raised. Ignoring. DCD dropped. hanging up.... DCD dropped. ignoring. Hmmm. card told us DCD changed, but it didn't. sx: enter sx_interrupt (%d/%d) <3>Recursive interrupt! (%d) Port %d: modem signal change?... sx: exit sx_interrupt (%d/%d) sx: enter sx_pollfunc sx: exit sx_pollfunc sx: enter sx_disable_tx_interrupts(port %d) sx: exit sx_disable_tx_interrupts sx: enter sx_enable_tx_interrupts(port %d) sx: exit sx_enable_tx_interrupts sx: enter sx_disable_rx_interrupts sx: exit sx_disable_rx_interrupts sx: enter sx_enable_rx_interrupts sx: exit sx_enable_rx_interrupts sx: enter sx_get_CD(port %d) sx: exit sx_get_CD sx: enter sx_chars_in_buffer(port %d) sx: exit sx_chars_in_buffer sx: enter sx_shutdown_port sx: exit sx_shutdown_port sx: enter sx_fw_open sx: exit sx_fw_open sx: enter sx_fw_release sx: exit sx_fw_release sx: enter sx_open %d: opening line %d. tty=%p ctty=%p, np=%d) port = %p c_dcd = %d starting port done gs_init before inc_use_count (count=%d. after inc_use_count <3>sx: Card didn't respond to LOPEN command. Block til ready returned %d. Count=%d at open: cd=%d sx: exit sx_open sx: enter sx_hungup sx: exit sx_hungup sx: enter sx_close <3>sx: sent the force_close command, but card didn't react sent the force_close command. waited %d jiffies for close. count=%d sx: exit sx_close sx: enter sx_fw_ioctl IOCTL %x: %lx Board present! (%x) Board not present! (%x) all:<%x> set board to %ld not out of range .. and present! returning type= %d returning memtest result= %d reset the board... initing portstructs, %d boards, %d channels, first board: %d ports <4>Unknown ioctl on firmware device (%x). sx: exit sx_fw_ioctl ##X$%&&#&&&<(()p)'<')))''sx: enter sx_throttle(port %d) sx: exit sx_throttle sx: enter sx_unthrottle(port %d) sx: exit sx_unthrottle sx: enter sx_init_board <3>sx: Ooops. Board won't initialize. The sxcard structure: the first sx_module structure: init_status: %x, %dk memory, firmware V%x.%02x, <6>sx: No modules found. Sorry. Module at %x: %d channels module is an %s, which has %s/%s panels CD1400 versions: %x/%x, ASIC version: %x <3>sx: This is an invalid configuration. Don't mix TA/MTA/SXDC on the same hostadapter. <3>sx: This is an invalid configuration. Don't use SXDCs on an SI/XIO adapter. sx<3>sx: Cannot allocate irq %d. <3>sx: Cannot allocate IRQ. Using irq %d. Using poll-interval %d. returning %d ports.sx: exit sx_init_board <6>Specialix SX driver (C) 1998/1999 R.E.Wolff@BitWizard.nl $Id: sx.c,v 1.32 2000/03/07 17:01:02 wolff, pvdl Exp $<6>sx: version %s sx: enter probe_sx Going to verify vpd prom at %x. checking identifier... JET HOST BY KEV#Got non-SX identifier: '%s' <7>sx: Found an SX board at %x <7>sx: hw_rev: %d, assembly level: %d, uniq ID:%08x, Manufactured: %d/%d <3>sx: Hmm. Not an SX/PCI or SX/ISA card. Sorry: giving up. <4>sx: Warning: There may be hardware problems with the card at %x. <4>sx: Read sx.txt for more info. sx: exit probe_sx sx: enter probe_si Going to verify SI signature %x. <7>sx: Found an SI board at %x sx: exit probe_si sx: enter sx_init_drivers specialix_sxttyXcux<3>sx: Couldn't register sx driver, error = %d <3>sx: Couldn't register sx callout driver, error = %d sx: exit sx_init_drivers sx: enter sx_init_portstructs initing port %d Board has %d channels Port at %xsx: exit sx_init_portstructs sx: enter sx_release_drivers sx: exit sx_release_drivers <7>sx: performing cntrl reg fix: %08x -> %08x sx: enter init_module Initing sx module... (sx_debug=%d) <4>sx: sx_debug is an address, instead of a value. Assuming -1. (%p) Got a specialix card: %x. But it's not an SX card (%d)... Got a specialix card: %x/%x(%d) %x. Probing for EISA cards XIO%s : Signature found in EISA slot %d, Product %d Rev %d IO hw_base address: %x base: %x IRQ: %d <6>sx: total of %d boards detected. <3>SX: Unable to register firmware loader driver. sx: exit init_module sx: enter cleanup_module Cleaning up board at %x <6>sx: couldn't deregister firmware loader device Cleaning up drivers (%d) sx: exit cleanup_module GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release).symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.data.rel.data.bss.note.modinfo.rodata.rel.rodata.comment4C! th +C 1 `x ;F @FFFOG W ؏( cb=Dbld / mX`,-=Fx^-w-Y] HdP:<" <H<c.<Jl0Vc|Wowx*4Wp2&)W4*C|"7D 5M\fo w0L,BQ!d:vQjw~`$nPwf0f\R",3>Nckuh'   #1@MZfd/0r/{1 (<Rh47[<8lf|8=>>>#?00?AAsx.cgcc2_compiled.sx_tablesx_real_driversx_disable_tx_interruptssx_enable_tx_interruptssx_disable_rx_interruptssx_enable_rx_interruptssx_get_CDsx_shutdown_portsx_set_real_termiossx_chars_in_buffersx_closesx_hungupsx_fw_fopssx_fw_ioctlsx_fw_opensx_fw_releasemy_hdsx_reconfigure_portsx_setsignalssx_getsignalssx_set_baudsx_interruptsx_pollfuncsx_openboard.524sx_init_boardsx_init_portstructssx_init_driverssx_ioctlsx_throttlesx_unthrottleheader_printed.535sx_driversx_termiossx_termios_lockedsx_callout_driversx_release_drivers__module_kernel_versionsx_initializedsx_nportssx_debugsx_pollsx_slowpollsx_maxintssx_probe_addrssi_probe_addrssx_irqmask__module_parm_sx_probe_addrs__module_parm_si_probe_addrs__module_parm_sx_poll__module_parm_sx_slowpoll__module_parm_sx_maxints__module_parm_sx_debug__module_parm_sx_irqmasksx_fw_deviceprintksx_busy_wait_eq__const_udelaysx_busy_wait_neqsx_resetsx_start_boardsx_start_interruptssx_send_commandmod_type_span_type_smod_compat_typesx_transmit_chars__wake_updo_SAKtty_hangupdo_gettimeofdaytty_flip_buffer_pushjiffiesadd_timer__this_modulesx_portsgs_init_portblock_til_readyschedule_timeoutdo_memtestdo_memtest_wboardskmalloc__get_user_4__generic_copy_from_userkfreegs_debug__put_user_4boot_cpu_data__verify_writegs_getserialgs_setserialrequest_irqprintheaderprobe_sxprobe_sitty_std_termiossx_refcountgs_closegs_writegs_put_chargs_flush_charsgs_write_roomgs_chars_in_buffergs_flush_buffergs_set_termiosgs_stopgs_startgs_hanguptty_register_drivertty_unregister_driverckmallocfix_sx_pcipci_read_config_dword__ioremapiounmapinit_modulepcibios_presentpci_find_devicemisc_registercleanup_modulefree_irqdel_timermisc_deregisterwrite_sx_byteread_sx_bytewrite_sx_wordread_sx_wordsx_receive_charssx_check_modem_signals"A29GLAtyAA2A2A2CD2LQAr2zA2AC2 A#2+0Ay~A2A&+AW2ejA2A !)<AIQYaiqyA2A2$)Az2A2A2"'A  AK P A 2  A*/A2A 249AA2JOAi2|A2A2A26;AD2bgAp2AI2W\AqMM2A2Ab0A2A.2CHAY2afAN2A2AL2TYAiMr2z2AO22A2EJAS2}A2A2AP2"A/QV2ejA2AR3S2A2A2A2*/Au2}A2A2A2A2A2A2AO2]bAk2sxA2A2A2A$T*T129>AJ2RWA`TfTm2uzA2A021A1U"2-2AG2OTA]Vh2puA2ATT2A2A T&T>WI2UZAgTmT2A2A2#A,T2T92AFAZ2bgAX 2A 238AATGTN2V[A3"2="B"AK"2["`"Ah"r"v"[{"["2""A""A"2"[""A"2""A##2+#0#AD#2L#Q#Ah#[u#2}##A#[###2##0#&$@$2M$Z$0g$}$2$$A$\$]$]$]2%^;%%]%]%]%_%%1%1%0%["&2'&[C&[I&1O&T&A]&1w&0&2&2&`&`&1&&A&2&&A'0'am']'b'c'd.(eV(bg(c(a(]C)])])2))A*2$*)*AA*2O*T*Aa*2i*n*A*2**A*C**A+2++A+26+2>+C+AL+2f+2++A++A+5 ,,,A2,5,2,,A,2--A'-2e-j-A-8---f-.A.8K.U.[.fp.u.A.2..A.4.3.2..A./R/S(/23/8/AA/2K/P/Af/n/s/Ax/}//A//2//A/2//A/2!02502=0B0AP0s0200A00A00A00A01A1 1A%1*1AN12V1[1Ah12p1u1A1211A1211A1222A:22B2G2AT22\2a2Av22~22A222222222122222j23 33k333#3)3/35393?3C3lI3M3mS3W3n]3a3og3k3pq3u3q{33r33333333s33t33u33v333333w4 4A44w-4x3484AJ42R4W4As4\4244A4U45U5_&535U85_>5C5_U5Z5`5f5U5[5[5[5j5255A#636[X6U6[6[626[66A6[6[6266A6267AU72g7l7A7277A7277A7288A88x88x'82/848AM8{g8|88A8}8288A8288A82829 9A99A92(9H9{Z92c9h9A9299A9[9[9[9[9{ :|J:2`:[i:n:A:}::[:6:[:|:[:[;[ ;[;8<;}[;[b;7h;[u;|~;[;[;[;[;8;};2;;A<2G<L<Q<Ae<[k<[q<[{<[<[<|<[<[<2<[<<A<2<[<<A=2"='=AP=U=AZ=@_=k=p=A=2==A=2==A=[=[=2=[==A>[>[">.>6>}D>@I>U>Z>Ac>2l>0q>v>A>0>U>_>>_>>_>2>>A?2??A?2??A?2??A@2^@c@A-AP6A2AAAAQA2AAAB2 BBA;BNPB2XB]BAB2BBAB2CCACMC2&C=C2ECJCAUCO^C2fCnC2vC{CA`dhlptx|048<@DHLPTX\`dhl